In addition to the grant, an interest-free loan is also offered. Participation in the Project does not require Banking Loan.
The maximum eligible work budget is up to 250 euros per square meter, up to a maximum of 25.000 euros.
Grant rates reach up to 70% and are scaled according to the level of income and the number of protected members in the family.
Participation in the project is enormous and will be followed by a priority order, based on the date of the Application submission. The application will be submitted through the official website ( and the standard Application Form. Everyone will be able to monitor the progress of his application electronically.
All stakeholders should be ready to submit their Applications as soon as the project platform opens, in order to ensure their participation as much as possible.
The Project foresees the presence of a Project Consultant, in which the person concerned may assign the application, the energy interventions monitoring until the completion of the project and the supporting documents submission for the disbursement of the grant.
The Project Advisor’s fee is included in the grant of the project.
- Application submission through the official website ( and the use of the standard Application Form. At this stage, no supporting documentation is required. For the applications not approved, the interested persons will be informed within 10 days of the issuance of the relevant rejection decision (Project Advisor*).
- If a Loan is required, the application must be submitted to a Financial Institution (Bank).
- 1st Energy Inspection for the issue of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) by an Energy Inspector.
- Posting in the Information System of the interventions that will lead to Energy Upgrading, of the Cost and of the other required supporting documents (Project Advisor*).
- Application Checking and Submission to the Project
- Signing a Loan Agreement (optional).
- Implementation of Energy Interventions.
- 2nd Energy Performance Certificate (EPC – Energy Inspector).
- Supporting Documents and Documentary Expenses checking, to form the final Eligible Budget of the project.
- Payment of Equity (own contribution) from the Beneficiary to the Suppliers and the Contractors controlling.
- Disbursement of the Loan money (if there is a loan agreement) and of the Subsidies for the payment of the Suppliers and the Contractors of the Energy Interventions.
- Payment to the Beneficiary of the money corresponding to the cost of the Energy Inspector and the Project Advisor (if there any).